
Featured Publications

A transcriptomic comparison of in vitro models of the human placenta

Lapehn S, Nair S, Firsick EJ, MacDonald J, Thoreson C, Litch J, Bush N, Kadam L, Girard S, Myatt L, Prasad B, Sathyaranarayan S, Paquette AG. Placenta. Published 11/26/2024. doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2024.11.007 

Associations Between Prenatal Vitamin D and Placental Gene Expression

Parenti M, Melough M, Lapehn S, MacDonald JW, Bammler TK, Firsick E, Choi HY, Derefinko KJ, Enquobahrie DA, LeWinn KZ, Bush NR, Zhao Q, Sathyanarayana S, Paquette AG. Journal of Nutrition. Published 10/12/2024. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.tjnut.2024.10.019 

All Publications

Note:  Publications here are only include articles published after 2020 and may not be updated. Please check Dr. Paquettes google scholar page or NCBI bibliography for updates.


Paquette AG, Parenti M, Lapehn S, Konwar C, Kadam L, Firsick E, Barrett ES, Julia McIsaac J, MacDonald JW, Bammler TK, Carroll K, Enquobahrie DA, Kobor M, LeWinn KZ, Nguyen R, Smith R, Spirzo A, Zhao Q, Myatt L, Bush NR, Muglia LM, Sheela Sathyanarayana S Associations between Maternal Plasma concentrations of Placental Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone and the Placental Transcriptome. Placenta. Published 1/3/3025. 


Lapehn S, Nair S, Firsick EJ, MacDonald J, Thoreson C, Litch J, Bush N, Kadam L, Girard S, Myatt L, Prasad B, Sathyaranarayan S, Paquette AG. “Transcriptomic Comparison of in vitro models of the human placenta”. Placenta. Published 11/26/2024. doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2024.11.007 

Parenti M, Melough M, Lapehn S, MacDonald JW, Bammler TK, Firsick E, Choi HY, Derefinko KJ, Enquobahrie DA, LeWinn KZ, Bush NR,  Zhao Q, Sathyanarayana S, Paquette AG. Associations Between Prenatal Vitamin D and Placental Gene Expression. Journal of Nutrition. Published 10/12/2024. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.tjnut.2024.10.019

Baker B, Sathyanarayana S, Szpiro A, MacDonald J, Paquette AG. RNAseqCovarImpute: a multiple imputation procedure that outperforms complete case and single imputation differential expression analysis. Genome Biology. Published 9/3/2024. DOI: 

Paquette AG, Ahuna K, Hwang Y, Pearl J, Liao H, Shannon P, Kadam L, Lapehn S, Bucher M, Roper R, Funk C, MacDonald J, Bamler T, Baloni P, Brockway H, Mason A, Bush N, LeWinn K, Karr C, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Muglia L, Jones H, Sadovsky Y, Myatt L, Sathyanarayana S, Price N. A Genome Scale Transcriptional Regulatory Model of the  Human Placenta. Science Advances Published online June 28, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf3411

Baker B, Freije S, MacDonald J, Bammler T, Benson C, Carroll KN, Enquobahrie DA, Karr CJ, LeWinn K, Zhao Q, Bush N, Sathyanarayana S, Paquette AG. Placental transcriptomic signatures of prenatal and preconceptional maternal stress. Molecular Psychiatry, Published January 11, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-02403-6


Baker B, Melough M, Paquette AG, Barrett ES, Day DB, K Kurunthachalam, Nguyen R, Bush NR, LeWinn KZ, Carrol KC, Swan SH, Zhao Q, Sathyanarayana S. Ultra-processed and fast food consumption, exposure to phthalates during pregnancy, and socioeconomic disparities in phthalate exposures. Environment International, Published January 8th, 2024. doi:


Barrett E, Sullivan A, Workman T, Zhang Yuhong, Loftus C, Szpiro A, Paquette AG, MacDdonald J, Coccia M, Smith R, Bowman M, Smith A, Derefinko K,Nguyen R, Zhao Q, Sathyanarayana S. Karr K, LeWinn K, Bush N, Sex-specific associations between placental corticotropin releasing hormone and problem behaviors in childhood. Psychoneuroendocriniology. Published 2/16/2024. DOI:


Hwang YM, Roper RT, Piekos SN, Enquobahrie DA, Hebert MF, Paquette AG, Baloni P, Price ND, Hood L, Hadlock J. Timing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use and risk for preterm birth and related adverse events: with a consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic period. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. Published 2/11/2024. DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2024.2313364

Schrott R, Garrison-Desany H, Avalos L, Breton CV, Dabelea DM, Derefinko K, Dunlop A, Fang F, Gaylord A, Grant T, Hivert MF, Karagas MR, Knight AK, Lester B, Lyall K, McEvoy C, Nguyen R, Page G, Paquette AG, Ruden D, Shorey-Kendrick LE, Smith AK, Spindel E, Volk HE, Ladd-Acosta C. Prenatal opioid exposure and the early life epigenome: results from ECHO. Journal of Substance Use. Published May 2, 2024. DOI: 


Elkin A, Campbell KA, Lapehn S, Harris SM, Padmanabhan V, Bakulksi K, Paquette AG.  Placental Single Cell Transcriptomics: Opportunities for Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Toxicology. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. Published September 9, 2023. doi:


Hussey M, Enquobahrie D, Loftus CR, MacDonald JR, Bammler TK, Paquette AG, , Marsit C, Szpiro A, Kaufman J, LeWinn KZ, , Tylavsk F, Bush NR, Zhao Q, Karr C, Sathyanarayana S. Associations of prenatal exposure to NO2 and near roadway residence with placental gene expression. Placenta, Published July 2023.


Laphen S, Gustafson J, Timms A, Cunningham M, Paquette AG. Transcriptomic signatures of single-suture craniosynostosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Published March 10, 2023. doi:

Correia-Branco A, Mei A, Pillai S, Jayaraman N, Sharma R, Paquette AG, Neradugomma NK,  Benson C, Chavkin N, Mao Q, Wallingford MC. SLC20a1/PiT-1 is required for chorioallantoic placental morphogenesis. Vascular Biology. Published April 19, 2023. DOI:


Lapehn S, Scott Houghtaling S, Ahuna K, Kadam L, MacDonald J, Bammler T, LeWinn K, Karr C, Myatt L, Sathyanarayana S, Paquette AG. Mono-ethylhexyl phthalate induces overall and sex-specific transcriptomic changes in placental cells. Archives of Toxicology, Published 1/25/2023. doi:

Paquette AG, Lapehn S, Freije S, MacDonald J, Bammler T, Day D, Loftus C, Kurunthachalam K, W. Alex Mason, PhD; Nicole R. Bush, PhD; Kaja Z LeWinn, ScD; Daniel A. Enquobahrie, MD, PhD, MPH; Carmen Marsit PhD; Catherine J Karr, MD, PhD, MS; Sheela Sathyanarayana, MD, MPH.  Placental Transcriptomic Signatures of Prenatal Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Environment International. Published 1/18/2023. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2023.107763


Kruger L, Yue G, Paquette AG, Sathyanarayana S, Enquobahrie DA, Bammler T, MacDonald J, Zhao Q, Prasad B. An optimized proteomics-based approach to estimate blood contamination and cellular heterogeneity of frozen placental tissue. Placenta. Published 12/23/2022. doi

LeWinn K, Karr C, Hazelhurst M, Carroll K, Loftus C, Nguyen R, Barrett E, Swan S, Spziro A, Paquette AG, Moore P, Spalt E, Younglove L, Sullivan A, Colburn T, Byington N, Sims Taylor L, Moe S, Wang S, Cordeiro A, Mattias A, Powell J, Johnson T, Norona-Zhou A, Mason A, Bush N, Sathyanarayana S. Cohort Profile: The Prenatal and Early Childhood Pathways to Health (PATHWAYS) Consortium. BMJ Open, Published 10/1/2022. doi:


Paquette AG, MacDonald J, Bammler T, Day DB, Loftus C, Buth E, Mason WA, Bush NR, LeWinn KZ, Marsit CJ, Litch J, Gravett, M, Enquobahrie DA, Sathyanarayana S. Transcriptomic Signatures of Spontaneous Preterm Birth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Published online July 19, 2022.doi:


Hsieh L*, Tu L*, Paquette AG*, Sheng Q, Zhao S, Bittel D, O'Brien J, Vickers K, Pastuzsko P, Nigam V. microRNA Expression Levels Change in Neonatal Patients During and After Exposure to Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Journal Of the American Heart Association, Published 9/6/2022. doi:

Jamet S, Ha S, Ho O, Houghtaling S, Timms A ,Yu K, Paquette AG, Maga M, Greene N, Beier DR. The Arginine Methyltransferase Carm1 is Necessary for Heart Development. G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics. Published online June 23, 2022. doi: 0.1093/g3journal/jkac155

Lapehn S, Paquette AG. The Placental Epigenome as a Molecular Link Between Prenatal Exposures and Fetal Health Outcomes Through the DOHaD Hypothesis. Curr Environ Health Rep. Published online April 29, 2022. doi:10.1007/s40572-022-00354-8


Kruger L, Yue G, Mettu V, Paquette AG, Sathyanarayana S, Prasad B, Differential Proteomics Analysis of JEG-3 and JAR Placental Cell Models and the Effect of Androgen Treatment. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. Published online June 8, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2022.106138


Enquobahrie DA, MacDonald J, Hussey M, Bammler T, Loftus C, Paquette AG, Byington N, Marsit CJ, Szpiro A, Kaufman JD, LeWinn KZ, Bush NR, Tylavsky F, Karr CJ, Sathyanarayana S. Prenatal Exposure to Particulate Matter and Placental Gene Expression. Environmental Research, Published online May 25, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107310


Han L, Shi Y, Paquette A, Wang L, Bammler TK, Mao Q. Key hepatic metabolic pathways are altered in germ-free mice during pregnancy. PLoS One. 2021 March 12;16(3): e0248351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248351. PMID: 33711049


Paquette AG, MacDonald J, Lapehn S, Bammler T, Kruger L, Day DB, Price ND, Loftus C, Kannan K, Marsit CM, Mason WA, Bush NR, LeWinn KZ, Enquobahrie DA, Prasad B, Karr C, Sathyanarayana S. A Comprehensive Assessment of Associations between Prenatal Phthalate Exposure and the Placental Transcriptomic Landscape. Environ Health Perspect. 2021 Sep;129(9):97003. doi: 10.1289/EHP8973. PMID: 34478338.


Paquette AG, Hood L, Price ND, Sadovsky Y. Deep Phenotyping During Pregnancy for Delivery of Predictive and Preventive Medicine. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jan 22;12(527):eaay1059. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aay1059. PMID: 31969484.


Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Oltman SP, Rand L, Scott KA, Kuppermann M, Baer R, Bell A, Bandoli G, Costello J, Diamond-Smith N, Epel E, Jackson R, Jiang F, Karasek  DA, Lindan C, O’Leary A, Olgin J, Pantell M, Paquette A, Parikh N, Piao X, Prather A, Rutherford G, Ryckman KK, Steurer-Muller M, Stookey J,Srinivasa G,Wright H, McCulloch CE, Piening B. Rogers EE, Chambers C. Examining the Impact of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and Pandemic-Related Hardship on Adverse Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes: Design and Launch of the HOPE COVID-19 Study. Reprod Med. 2020 July;1(2):91-107. doi: 10.3390/reprodmed1020007.